5 Reasons Why You’re Broke and Here’s how to Find a Way Out

Having the right mindset and actions is suitable for financial success. However, people often act in ways detrimental to their financial freedom. This is one of the key reasons they are broke. They ruin their financial prospects, ensuring that they will be broke for the rest of their lives. It’s critical to realize that accumulating … Read more

Man finds an old savings account of his father: he becomes a millionaire, inheriting $1,200,000 USD

Let’s face it: we’ve all hoped, at least once, to win the lottery. A dream that, unfortunately, becomes a reality for very few people. It would be great to wake up one day and find out that you are a millionaire. What if this really happens? What if, one morning, luck decides to knock on your door … Read more

3 Ways to Build Sustainable Wealth in the Metaverse

Traditionally, the means to building wealth have been well charted. Most entrepreneurs grew up on investment manuals written by the likes of Warren Buffet, Robert Kiyosaki, Charlie Munger, and Benjamin Graham. I sure did. A lot of this information, especially about investment psychology, is timeless and still relevant, but the technical details are not. Moreover, … Read more

Let’s Talk About Money (Learn to Make, Spend and Invest Money)

Sarah Kunst, founder of VC fund Cleo Capital, and Brianne Kimmel, tech entrepreneur and founder of VC fund Worklife, aren’t skittish about talking about money — or trying to make it. Between the two of them, their investments in companies range from Cameo and MasterClass for Kunst to Haus, Tonal (with Serena Williams), and Webflow … Read more

25-year-old Emily earns $7,000 a month from her side hustle -while working a full-time job! Here’s how

Just days before the pandemic hit in March 2020, I began my first full-time job as an advertising and marketing coordinator at a dental office in Columbus, Ohio, wherein I had an annual profit of $34,500. Every day, the office was booked with customers trying to get tooth whitening and veneers. But because the pandemic … Read more

26-year-old quit her engineering job to pursue her side hustle & brought in $170,000 USD in a year!

I first heard the word “entrepreneur” when I was in college, where I studied biomedical engineering. I never thought I’d become one. But in 2018, when I began my engineering career at age 23, I found that writing Packs Light, the travel blog  I started in college, was what I most looked forward to each … Read more