Monk to an Entrepreneur & Speaker: The Real Life Inspirational Story of Jay Shetty

Have you ever wanted to turn your life upside down and make a massive change? Something crazy like moving to a new country, turning your career upside down, or leaving a relationship that isn’t making you happy? Or maybe you’ve done one of these in the past.

It’s funny how some decisions can shape our lives entirely. As Tony Robbins said, “Decisions shape your destiny.” One decision can change the outcome of your entire life, for good or bad. A great example is social media megastar Jay Shetty.

He used to be a monk, but now he runs a business and is a social media star. His motivational videos have been seen by billions of people.He’s someone who made that kind of crazy decision to try something new several times and went on to create the life of his dreams. Use his story to get inspired and figure out how you can make your epic journey in 2019.

Who is Jay Shetty?
If you don’t know Jay Shetty, he’s a viral sensation whose influential videos have reached over 2 billion views worldwide! His powerful videos have helped shift so many people’s perspectives of what’s possible and inspired people around the globe.

After graduating college, he became a monk and turned down offers from top jobs. He traded business suits for robes and went on to live in a monastery for years.

His mentor eventually told him that he had to leave and spread his gifts throughout the world.After he entered the real world, he got asked to do speaking events, and his videos caught the eye of Arianna Huffington. Now he works with brands like Facebook, Google, Coca-Cola, and others. Here are the five epic life lessons I’ve learned from the former monk turned entrepreneur.

1. Don’t let technology own you.
Technology doesn’t have to be wrong as long as we control it, not the other way around. Unfortunately, most people are slaves to their phones and check them hundreds of times daily.

After leaving the monastery, Jay could not believe how much people were slaves to their devices. Here’s how most people are zombies with technology: Wake up with the alarm on your phone. Check your emails and texts in bed until you feel “connected.” Browse one to three social media channels while lying in bed.

You can waste a lot of time at work by mindlessly checking emails, scrolling, and using Slack.Take out your phone whenever you’re alone on the subway or walking. Lay in bed and check social media, email, and messages. Wake up and repeat. Sounds familiar?

Instead of falling victim to this hamster wheel, you have to use technology for your benefit and not become enslaved to your device. Jay’s a great example of someone who uses technology and social media to spread a positive message while balancing real-life experiences.

2. Success is combining your passion with your purpose.
In my opinion, the adage “find your passion, and you’ll never work a day in your life” is true. Doing what you love usually takes more effort but is also more satisfying. It’s essential to find out what you love and share it with others.

Jay Shetty says that finding your passion is a combination of these four questions: What am I good at? What do I love doing? How do I get paid for what I love? What does the world need?

When you find the place where these four things meet, you can find your passion and your purpose.Once you see this, you can enjoy life more as you’re constantly working on projects that excite and help others.

3. Get out of your comfort zone.
Our minds love familiarity; that’s why it’s so hard to leave our comfort zone. But remember, growth only happens outside your comfort zone. As Jay Shetty said, “We live in echo chambers. The same thinking surrounds us. How often do you bump into a monk?”

If Jay had not had an open mind when he first met a monk at age 18, his life would’ve been in a very different place. Make sure to leave familiarity as often as possible in 2022. Try to push the boundaries and challenge yourself daily.

Most of the time, we meet people like us, which is why we share many of the same emotions, conversations, and experiences. If you want a different year, you need to do other things.

4. Simplify Your Life
As Jay Shetty said, “Detachment is not that you own nothing. It’s that nothing owns you.” After hearing about how monks live with so few “things,” I realized consumerism and materialism were dragging me down. Can you relate? All the excess stuff we think we need can weigh us down. I’ve since simplified everything about my life.

I stopped buying more clothes I didn’t need and decluttered my environment. I’ve realized the more physical and mental space I have, the more relaxed, focused, and disciplined I’ve become.

5. Gratitude is everything.
Jay Shetty talks about the importance of gratitude. As a monk, he first practiced giving thanks to Earth for the food, water, and ability to live as part of his morning routine. He said that while the gratitude movement in journals and studios seems new to most, it’s a tradition that has been around for centuries. Meditation as well.

It’s an old tradition that has helped me find clarity, focus, and many other benefits. Try incorporating mindfulness practice into your year to increase transparency and gratitude. The simpler and more pure life you lead can bring more clarity and drive than ever before.

Final Thoughts 
Is 2022 the year you’ll finally step up and make it happen? Use some of these tips from Jay Shetty to take control of your life and become the person you want to be in the new year.

Life is way too short not to live up to your full potential. I am confident that if you believe in and trust yourself, you can make these kinds of shifts in your life.

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